
北京量子信息科学研究院 Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences

Research Services
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    Shahid Qamar Postdoctoral Researcher at Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences
    • Beijing, China
    • Rising Star
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    Kristian Patrick Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences
    • Haidian District, Beijing, China
    • Rising Star
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    Yanwu Gu 北京量子信息科学研究院 - 博士后研究员
    • China
    • Rising Star
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    Yuqun Xu senior engineer
    • Beijing, China
    • Rising Star
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    Sanjib Ghosh Computational Physics--Semiconductor Optoelectronics--Quantum Physics-Neural NetworkII Postdoc at NTU, Singapore II PhD from CQT-NUS, Singapore
    • Haidian District, Beijing, China
    • Rising Star
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北京量子信息科学研究院(Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences)是由北京市政府牵头,联合北京多家顶级学术单位共同成立的新型研发机构。量子院的宗旨是瞄准世界量子物理与量子信息科技前沿和国家在量子信息技术等领域的战略需求,创新体制机制,整合北京现有量子物态科学、量子计算、量子通信、量子材料与器件、量子精密测量等领域优势资源,建设量子信息科技综合性实验和研发平台,汇聚全球杰出科技人才及其创新团队,开展重大科技任务攻关,在量子信息科学领域产出一批重大原始创新成果,努力打造成为协同攻坚、引领发展的国家战略科技力量。量子院将结合北京“全国科技创新中心”的战略定位,积极承接国家实验室建设任务和国家科技创新2030“量子通信与量子计算机”重大项目,实现前瞻性基础研究、引领性原创成果重大突破。引进、培养和集聚一批量子信息科学领域高水平人才,在量子物态科学、量子通信、量子计算、量子材料与器件、量子精密测量等方面开展科技攻关,打造世界一流研发机构。 Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS) is an innovative research institution, sponsored by Beijing municipal government, and founded with partnership of leading research institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, etc. BAQIS focuses on the fundamental and frontier issues of quantum physics and quantum information science and technology as well as the national strategic demand of China in the related area. It has integrated great resources from its partnering institutions in terms of talents and facilities. It will build advanced synergetic R&D and measurement platforms to be shared across the world, with an attempt to attract top-notch global talents to forge a world leading research force for the research of quantum information science and technology. The research areas of BAQIS include Quantum State of Matter, Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication, Quantum Materials and Devices, and Quantum Precision Measurement, etc. Based on the strategic positioning of Beijing as a “National Science and Technology Innovation Center”, BAQIS will take part in the development of National Lab of Quantum Information Sciences and the major project “Quantum Communication and Quantum Computer” of National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Plan of China. The aim of BAQIS is to build a world first class research institution with pioneering research to bring about ground breaking original results, which may eventually transform the human experience of our daily lives.