
北京未来城学校 Beijing Futurecity Academy

Primary and Secondary Education


北京未来城学校是一所拥有小学、初中、高中12年一贯制的全学段的国际化学校。学校位于北京市昌平区未来科学城,紧邻未来城绿化带和滨水公园,空气清新,环境优美。学校临近地铁17号线,交通便利。 学校的使命是“一朝入校,终身护航。”学校为学生提供了丰富、多样、可选择的课程,覆盖世界和社会生活的多个层面;每个孩子都能发现自己热爱的、与自己契合度高的课程,定制个性化课表,找到自己的天赋所在。学校的学习社区可以同时满足学生20中学习方式,展开有意思、有意义、有可能的学习任务,持续激发学生学习动力。 学校拥有一支优秀的中外教师队伍,外教来自美国、芬兰、哥伦比亚等国家;中教来自十一学校的骨干教师和在十一学校或联盟校浸润式培养的北京未来城教师,教师100% 拥有硕士或博士学位,教师主要毕业于清华、北大、中科院、人大、北师大等名校。 学校于2019年开始招收中外合作项目学生,2021年招收小学生和初中生。 “To guide and accompany all BFA students through their lifelong adventures” is the promise of Beijing Futurecity Academy. BFA, located in the southern part of the Future Science City in Beiqijia Town, Changping District, Beijing, strives to be a leader in the education ecology by focusing on student growth. BFA is a K–12 international school jointly built by Changping District Government, Future Science City, and Beijing National Day School. BFA always respects students’ path of growth, untapping the different potential of each student and achieving their distinctive strengths. The curriculum is BFA’s essential product, the design of which combines the core of China’s national curriculum and the fruits of other world-leading curricula. The school provides students with diverse options, allowing students to understand the world in an ever-expanding radius of life, and to have the key abilities and necessary character to change the world. BFA’s curriculum guarantees that students experience first-class teaching and enjoy colorful life. BFA’s team of teachers is loved by students as they display a passion for education, global vision, and lifelong learning ability. The school is home to BNDS–trained Chinese teachers and international teachers from the United States, England, Germany, France, Finland, and other countries. BFA’s global team works together to explore personalized growth programs for each student.