

Professional Training and Coaching


北京市新府学外国语学校为璞珵教育集团旗下北京旗舰学校,由璞珵教育集团和顺天府学教育集团共同经营管理,是一所具有招收中、外籍学生资格的全日制寄宿兼走读的双语特色国际化学校。 学校由顺天府学教育集团创办,经北京市顺义区教委批准成立,为小学至高中的学生提供12年一贯制优质教育,采用小班制的教学形式,发挥中国基础教育优势的同时,引入西方教育理念和精粹,通过新府学自主研发的特色课程、顺天府学教育集团的HT特色课程、课外活动和国际交流,为学生创造多元文化环境、提供广阔的舞台。 学校以“明德至善,中西通才”为核心教育理念,以培养六大核心素养为指导思想,旨在培养通晓东西文化精髓、身心健康,具有创造性思维及社会责任感的世界公民。 Welcome to Beijing Xin Fuxue International Academy. XFA is the flagship school of Cornerstone Education Group, which is jointly operated and managed by Cornerstone Education Group and Shun Tian Fuxue Education Group. At XFA, we have over thirty years of international education experience and originate from the Shun Tian Fuxue Education Group. Our students take great pride in their school, in themselves and in their education because we offer a learning environment where it is abundantly clear that everyone around them cares about their happiness and success. XFA provides day & boarding school educational programs for kindergarten through high school. Our classes are taught in small intimate class settings, where we have a teacher to student ratio that favors the student who receives individual care. Our thirty years of experience has given us the tools to design a curriculum that contains the best of both Chinese and western education. We utilize the American Common Core Standards, so our teaching philosophy synchronizes with the United States. XFA aims to build a broad and multicultural learning platform for students that contain unique courses, extracurricular activities, and international exchange programs. We are managed by an American principal and surround our students with teachers from the United States and Europe who are passionate about teaching. Our bilingual teaching program ensures that students learn English while at the same time allows them to experience multi-culture background.