
Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)



The Institute performs studies in the field of simulating dynamic systems on the basis of integral equations method which provides the extension of possibilities and improvement of methods and facilities of mathematical simulation. The use of the theory of hybrid simulation for the problems of fast flowing process dynamics makes it possible to create new methods and principles of constructing special tools for pipeline diagnostics and the algorithms for numerical solution of dynamics problems. Many results of researches in the Institute are promoted and continue to be introduced in various branches of the Ukrainian national economy. The Institute conducts scientific technical communications with many enterprises and organizations in our country and abroad. The works of the Institute scientists are commended by State Prizes, by G.A.Proskury and S.A.Lebedev Awards of NASU. Much attention is paid to training scientific specialists. Nowadays 8 doctors and 12 candidates are working in the Institute, post-graduate course and the course for holding higher university degree are operating, the special boards for doctor and candidate thesis presentation are operative. A set of scientific seminars are acting in the Institute, conferences and school-seminars are held. The Innstitute realizes a publishing activity, is the foundator of the journal “Electronnoe modelirovanie” (Electronic Modelling) enlisting recently specialists from many countries, publishes periodical scientific collections. Tens of monographs, reference-books, school applicances, preprints are published by the institute workers. The aim of G.E.Pukhov’s IPME of NASU activity is the achievement of high level of fundamental and applied researches in the field of methods and facilities of mathematical computer simulation for solving urgent problems of creating modern informational and industrial technologies.