
WebintPro Ltd.

Information Technology & Services

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WebintPro Ltd.


WebintPro leads the intelligence systems market with its groundbreaking HIWIRE™ and OBTIGO™ solutions. WebintPro (WIP) provides systems to leading government organizations worldwide for extracting, analyzing and producing intelligence reports in real time, from external and organizational sources alike. WebintPro focuses on accelerating the intelligence production process, with solutions designed by analysts, for analysts. HIWIRE™ integrates unique capabilities including Virtual HUMINT (active avatars), social media analysis, advanced data analytics, report generation and much more. HIWIRE™ caters to the entire intelligence life cycle within one comprehensive and easy to use platform, which delivers an end-to-end OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) and WEBINT (Web Intelligence) solution, gathering and analyzing intelligence from across the web. OBTIGO™ is a unique data fusion solution, built for both government and commercial clients, from military intelligence & law enforcement agencies, to large companies and the financial sector. OBTIGO™ incorporates Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to stream, monitor, investigate and manage structured and unstructured data. OBTIGO™ breaks boundaries and helps see the full picture, by analyzing reports, textual files, tables & logs, scanned files & photos and countless more. Fast, reliable, purpose-built and investigation driven. OBTIGO™ helps drive new insights, saves valuable time, removes barriers and improves the investigational workflow and efficiency. For more information, please contact us at