
Universities South West

Higher Education

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Universities South West


Universities South West closed on the 1 October 2015. Following a review of the organisation, its’ work will now be taken forward by member universities. Collaboration initiatives will continue in a range of areas and opportunities to develop new joint-projects will be progressed by individual universities working together locally. At this time we wish to celebrate the 16 years of Universities South West (1999-2015): - A multiple award-winning organisation that has delivered projects worth over £67million - Working across business, culture, education, social purpose and health organisations - Supporting over 200,000 young people by providing more than 10,000 volunteers - Raising aspirations through targeted work in schools and with care leavers and disabled students - Enhancing employability and creating graduate jobs via 100’s of internships - Working with 10,000’s of businesses helping them to innovate and grow - Delivering the future workforce, especially in Low Carbon & Health, through Higher skills development - Employing 43 staff over the years – including 9 graduate/student interns - Producing a legacy now embedded in our members day-to-day operations A message from the chair, Professor Anne Carlisle, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Falmouth University: “Universities South West has been instrumental in developing and delivering joint initiatives across the region’s universities and their partners over its’ 16 years. It leaves us with an on-going legacy embedded in our day-to-day work enabling local collaboration to continue between Universities into the future.” “We thank you for working with Universities South West.”