
The Women's Treatment Center of Bermuda

Mental Health Care


The Women’s Treatment Center of Bermuda is the only Residential Treatment Facility for Women in Bermuda. It provides long term, comprehensive treatment for addition and related disorders. The program is delivered over a 12 month period using a phased approach. All clients are assessed on completion of each Phase prior to being progressed to the next Phase. Each client is judged on her individual merit for treatment planning. The average length of stay in the program to date is 15 months. This is a Bermuda Government funded Substance Abuse Treatment Program under the umbrella of the Department for National Drug Control and the Ministry for Culture and Social Rehabilitation. Populations Served: Clients for treatment must female and be assessed by Professions at the (BARC) Bermuda Assessment Referral Center and if eligible are then referred. All clients must be 18 years or older and have relapsed after a number of prior treatment attempts. Women with small children, clients with AIDS/ HIV positive, Hepatitis, as well as Intravenous drug users are welcome for admission.