
Technological University of Tajikistan

Higher Education


The Technological University of Tajikistan was formed by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR from September 20, 1990 No. 207 as the Technology Higher College of Tajikistan, and in 1991 by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR from July 29, 1991 No. 530 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Tajik SSR from September 29, 1991 No. 266 it was transformed into the Technological Institute of Light and Food Industries. Then, in 1993, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 80, from February 19, 1993, it was transformed into the Technological University of Tajikistan. The Technological University of Tajikistan is the only university in the Republic of Tajikistan that trains competitive specialists in the field of light and food industries. Mission The mission of the university is to provide quality affordable education transformed through the development of scientific and educational technologies to train highly qualified, competitive, creative and tolerant specialists who are called upon to contribute to the reproduction of intellectual potential, modernization of the economy, technological development and the formation of an innovative economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Vision The university positions itself as a young and dynamically developing innovative university working in the interests of sustainable development of the Republic of Tajikistan, striving to integrate into the world system of higher education, into the European space of scientific research and knowledge, while preserving the best traditions of the national education system in order to ensure high quality training specialists and strengthening the role of the university as one of the leading educational institutions of the higher education system of the Republic of Tatarstan. The motto of the university: from the quality management system of education to the quality of university management.