
Perfect Love Believers Centre (PLBC)

Religious Institutions


We at Perfect Love Believers Centre are God’s mobile force upon the face of the earth in these last days, showcasing God’s love on earth, giving people the true essence of life through God’s love and helping them attain the love dimension, which is a pre-heaven (heaven on earth) experience. Perfect Love Believers Centre is a ministry birthed by God whose vision is to present a perfect church by transforming lives with God’s Word, His Love and His Presence. A young ministry we may be but we are not a flash in the pan. According to the Holy Scriptures, Christ is going to present The Church to Himself in glorious splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such things that she might be holy and faultless (Ephesians 5:27). Love is the culture of this commission and the Spirit of God has the run of this house. We are a people completely sold out to the will of Christ – zealous about the Truth and therefore, in a position unfriendly to religion and falsehood, because it not only threatens the full manifestation of the glorious life in Christ, it speaks against everything Christ stands for. For this and many other reasons we were birthed, to emphasize the Truth of the Word.