

Health, Wellness & Fitness
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In Canada, we waste over 2.2 million tonnes of edible food annually. A central part of that problem is that consumers often misinterpret food labels or simply forget the items past their expiry date, which leads to unnecessary waste. During the summer of 2019, at Shad Western, a group of 8 students came up with Memofood, a revolutionary mobile application that fights food waste and will forever change our relationship with food. Memofood works with supermarkets to allow users to access digitally the information about the food they have purchased at the store through the application. Food items that are scanned by cashiers will be automatically synced to your Memofood account, providing users with information about the product’s name, date and location of production, nutrition facts, its disposal procedure and most importantly its expiration date. This way, when food items approach its expiry date, users will be reminded through the Memofood application using notifications to consume the product. Memofood will not only help the environment by reducing food waste, but this avoided waste will also help consumers save individually around $460 every year in groceries. Ultimately, we hope to implement our product will be integrated in many households around the country due to its applicable purpose in individuals daily lives.