
Living In Place Network

Design Services
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The Living in Place Network (L!PN) is an online trade resource for Canadian residential architects, interior designers, renovators and builders, providing them with relevant and current information and connecting them with industry suppliers in the aging in place sector. There is vast number of Canadians that are over the age of 65. They are sophisticated, financially secure and about to become one of our largest consuming groups in the home modification/new build sector. Known as the Baby Boomers, this generation has different expectations, aspirations and lifestyles compared to the generations before them. They don’t see themselves as aging and cannot imagine a senior lifestyle that their parents had. Today over 50% of companies do not know how to market to this sector. Therefore, connecting and doing business with this generation is increasing complex. At the Living In Place Network we are driving engagement through a B2B2C business model. We are here to help you find aging in place information quickly, keep you up to date on interior design and building products, inspire you with business success stories, provide marketing and educational tools and connect you with industry suppliers. Living In Place Network is building a trade community that services a generation of consumers that want to age in place!