

Business Consulting and Services
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How often have you seen plans sit on desks in desperate need of execution? Or witness a flurry of execution with no clear aligned plan? Both situations are massive handbrakes on business growth and are frustrating to watch! So, we’ve launched kat-e-list (yes this the phonetic spelling for catalyst), as a change-maker company that works alongside you to accelerate business aspirations through planning and execution at pace. We are a solution specifically for companies with big mountains to climb, who are wanting to accelerate their growth, turnaround or investment aspirations. How we help - we call this the kat-e-list climb pack: > sight the peak: we work with you on your vision, building strategic and marketing plans to line up achievement of the business ambition > get the climb underway: we turn plans into actions with measurable momentum, providing support, resource, expertise and scale > plant the flag at the top: we stay engaged as a partner and work with you to ensure your aspirations are achieved. If this sounds right for you, or your business, let’s connect! Drop a message to us at either or Do you need us? Take this quiz: Q: Do you have a mountain to climb and may not know the best path or the right pace? A: We do. Q: Do you have the capacity, capability or fresh eyes currently within your business to develop the plan or execute it within your timeframe? A: We do. Welcome to kat-e-list, we are thrilled to have you as a connection. Jonathan and Eva Founders.