
IP-Safe – IP Administration Made Easy

Legal Services


IP-Safe is an innovative Danish IP administration company led by a team of professionals with many years of experience of how to best coordinate and structure IP portfolios. We offer IP administrative services for companies, inhouse IP departments, IPR firms, and more. Depending on your needs, we offer: Outsourcing: We take care of your IP administration through your case management system from our offices. Insourcing: Flexible insourcing solution for when your number of staff and the amount of work at hand does not match up. Flexible IP administration: We offer solutions varying from handling all data related to your IP rights - to a single filing at your request. Our goal is to provide you with the experience of having your own highly professional and efficient IP administration department right at your fingertips. By separating consulting from administration you gain the freedom and flexibility to choose exactly the IP consultants you wish to work with - from case to case.