
Green Talk | Komunikačná agentúra

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Sme komunikačná agentúra zameraná na klientov z oblasti priemyslu a biznisu. Tím GreenTalk tvoria skúsení profesionáli s rýchlou orientáciou v odbornej problematike a systematickým prístupom k práci. Od roku 2017 spolupracujeme s firmami z oblastí odpadového hospodárstva, energetiky, investičného bankovníctva, komerčných realít, private equity a facility managementu. Medzi našich klientov patria spoločnosti WOOD & Company, KOSIT, ewia, PW Energy, WOOD & Company Real Estate, Eterus Capital, Optimal Partner a Irbis Group. Klientom poskytujeme celý rad služieb marketingovej komunikácie od tvorby webov, cez Public Relations, Public Affairs, organizácia eventov, online marketing, grafický dizajn až po tvorbu analýz a komentárov. GreenTalk zároveň vznikol s cieľom dodávať komunikačné služby firmám, ktorým okrem biznisu záleží aj na ekologickej a sociálnej udržateľnosti. Táto vízia sa stretla so záujmom trhu a my ju s radosťou napĺňame. Viac na ⇨ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are a communication agency working with clients from the industrial and business sphere. GreenTalk is a professional team of highly skilled people working at a fast pace and with systematic approach. We have been on the market since 2017 working with companies specialized in waste management, power engineering, investment banking,commercial real estate, private equity and facility management. We are trusted by clients such as WOOD & Company, KOSIT, ewia or PW Energy. Our clients are offered with a full service of marketing communication, graphic design, marketing analyses and reports. Our main focus is put on quality and being able to deliver measurable results. Besides delivering communication services,our desire is also to work with companies which are eco and socially responsible. This vision has met the demand of the market and we are happy to fulfill it. Website ⇨