
FASD Awareness

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FASD Awareness


How much alcohol does the Government say is safe to drink during pregnancy? There have been conflicting views surrounding this subject for some years. We hear stories of doctors still saying a glass of red wine is OK! Some years ago, it was recommended to drink half a pint of Guinness a day to help a woman’s iron levels! Today this is hard for us to conceive. Overcoming the ideas and perceptions of many years is one of our biggest challenges. At FASD Awareness we follow the UK’s Chief Medical Officer’s recommendation that, "If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, the safest approach is not to drink alcohol at all to keep risks to your baby to a minimum. Drinking in pregnancy can lead to long term harm to the baby". Despite slow but steady progress, there is still not enough training or research funding, and a lack of understanding still in the general population about FASD. If more awareness and training isn't rolled out to the medical professionals, non-medical professionals and teachers, children will be misdiagnosed and left without the suitable provisions in place to support them to lead fulfilled lives. We believe that research and a greater understanding of FASD is not only essential to those living with FASD but will have a significant effect on society as a whole in the future. Through the FASD Awareness #BeAware campaign we are increasing both the public & professionals’ awareness of the lifelong physical and/or neurodevelopment impairments that can result from foetal alcohol exposure and of the lifelong impacts on individuals, their families, carers and the wider community.