
Development Training & Consulting

Education Administration Programs


Development Training & Consulting is a reliable partner for your organization’s development and increasing your competitive advantage basing upon the latest scientific and practical findings of the modern management. Establishing and maintaining productive partnership with many professional and well-known experts and trainers enables us to develop and conduct training programmes on a wide range of knowledge and skills that are crucial for managers and companies’ key staff. Our programmes are aimed both at the increase on individual efficiency of each personnel member and at creating the ground for increasing the company’s overall productivity. Our mission is being an expert for the experts. We can help you see those resources of the organization that are not being used yet, and understand how to actualize them with the help of: - changing staff’s perception, understanding and skills; - eliminating the existing problems; - enhancing the existing products and developing the new ones; - ensuring high quality of work; - introducing effective organizational solutions; - utilizing dynamic strategic management under the complicated and hardly predictable conditions of the contemporary market.