
Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labor

Government Administration


Department of Youth Affairs under the ministry of Social Security and Labour is one of the main institutions working in the field of youth policy. It works out and implements the state youth policy programs and measures, analyses the state of youth and youth organisations in Lithuania, coordinates the activities of the state and municipal institutions in the field of youth policy, as well as performs such other activities relevant to youth, youth organisations, and organisations working with youth. The Department of Youth Affairs implement the objectives of the state youth policy through application of measures to enhance the motivation and possibilities for youth to acquire education, get work, and engage in active social life, takes part in solution of youth related problems; develops non-formal education, as well as controls the socialization processes of youth. There are two Divisions, which works directly with the different programs and measures: - International Analyses and International Relations Division (3 Employees, responsible for researches and international relations) - Youth Policy development and program implementation division (4 Employees, responsible for the National programs and measures) Also in Youth guarantees project “Find Yourself” (2015 11 01-2018 10 01) works 7 Employees, responsible for the implementation of the project on national level.