
Corporate Linkages and Placements (OCLP) - UMT

Human Resources Services
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Office of Corporate Linkages and Placements (OCLP) at UMT serves as a pathway to bright careers for all the students and alumni of the UMT. UMT is one of the leading private sector universities of Pakistan, providing career development and placement services to its outstanding students through the forum of OCLP. Introduction: The foremost responsibility of the Office of Corporate Linkages and Placements (OCLP) at UMT is to enhance the professional skills portfolio for both students and alumni by organizing a wide range of career-related activities which comprises of workshops, individual advisory services, comprehensive job posting, on-campus recruitment facilities and opportunities to meet industry professionals at activities specifically designed for the purpose, etc. The staff at OCLP is dedicated to help the students in all aspects of career planning and development. Moreover, OCLP works closely with university’s faculty, staff and employees in order to meet the requirements of the industrial/corporate sector and those of the students. The OCLP encourages students to take personal responsibility to utilize its services to develop their career-oriented skills from freshman through senior year and beyond. Furthermore, it teaches the students indispensable skills to formulate successful job search strategies and facilitate career progression. OCLP is highly dedicated to meet student needs and is open to provision of individualizing services. It is a comprehensive unit that assists students in a variety of ways throughout their stay at the university and even after graduation. At OCLP, Career Counselors are available to provide counselling and assistance regarding career development to students, and alumni in accordance with the University's mission of providing a caring and nurturing environment. The commitment to serve potential employers in particular and participants in general InshaAllah will continue with zeal and vigour.