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The Barcelona Centre for New Medical Technologies, BCN-MedTech, was created on July 6th 2016 within the university’s Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) to provide an interdisciplinary and translational platform for research in biomedical engineering. It arose from the conviction that the rapid and exponential development of medical technology must be understood from a comprehensive technological, clinical, social and industrial perspective if it is to have a true impact on the many areas of application in the healthcare sector. BCN-MedTech provides a comprehensive coverage of all core MedTech technologies. We have experience with signal processing, imaging, physiology, biomechanics, electronics, biomedical simulations, and computer-assisted surgery Based on open innovation methodologies, we support your company in identifying and developing novel technologies and products. We participate and coordinate large international projects exploring and expanding the state of the art. Join us in defining the future! Your company can obtain very valuable knowledge and networks through the participation in collaborative research projects.